Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Me and My Judgement

Lillies bloomed. Forest fraught with leaves. Rabbits roamed around aimlessly. The air was still neither moving nor stale as if pregnant with inherent freshness. Distant banyan tree stood as giant facing the sky with uncommon dignity. Near to it, River was flowing with serene noise as if providing least possible clue of her presence. I thought, thats the proper place to sit in for a long time. I went near the tree. Its roots and root-lets impregnated the earth with utmost fierceness. Some of the root-lets, came out from soil at distance, as if disowning itself from its father. I looked around the gigantic stem to find some place where I can meditate as yogis did. The concave stem on one side was proper for the purpose. I judged the soil beneath with my naked foot. It was damp due to river flowing nearby. I brought some fallen dry leaves to soak the dampness and made it sit-able.
I closed my eyes and got lost in 'Dhyan'. Thoughts started disappearing. Initially some chanting was required to make myself devoid of stray worldly thoughts. Later on, 'Dhyan' was required to get rid of chanting itself. Absolute No Thought-State. Nothing appeared visually. Nothing could be heard either. Eyes couldn't see nothing. There is nothing in this world that could be called nothing. In short Nothing doesn't exist. There is always something. No eye can see nothing. It has to see something. But my eyes saw nothing. My eyes saw nothing because I was in no-thought state. Visually I was not able to judge, What I was seeing is light or darkness. It was something in-between or it was both or it was neither. Audibly I couldn't hear nothing. It was somebody calling me or nobody calling me or both or neither. It was the beauty of no-thought state that I was impaired from judging. Or I would say for sometime I was spared from judging. It was not the beauty of what I was seeing during 'Dhyan'. But it was the beauty of my sparing myself from judgement that has created state of No-Thought. Absolute nothingness.
Something etched me behind. I opened my eyes and saw many insects, ants etc were crawling on skin. It came from leaves I brought for sitting. I stood up and looked around. Spared my self of these tiny monsters. I thought, what a worthless world that I don't find a place to meditate. I better find some other place for it. I looked around but didn't see any other proper place. Disappointed I made my way towards home. I saw small puddle in the way. May be someday river water would have filled it. I gazed towards it. I gazed it strongly. I could see the ripples, some fallen leaves, some frogs staring from inside. Then I gazed it effortlessly. As If I don't have no brains to judge what it is and what it has. It was simply there. I was simply there. Both the witness and the object were simply there. I attained no-thought, again. Now it is not that puddle is not there or the frog is not there or the leaves have gone somewhere. They are simply there but my judgement missed. My judgement is not there. I am there simply. Me and My judgement is different. My judgement is my mind. Myself is my consciousness. The state of no-thought is consciousness. 'No judgement' is consciousness. I was in meditation. No more did I need banyan tree to meditate. No more did I need any chanting to meditate. I was already in 'Dhyan'. In fact, I became 'Dhyan'.

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