Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Alcoholic Epiphany

The costliest dine I ever had, may not be worth eating but the exorbitant bills I paid compells me isss worth mentioning. Though it had a glamorous entry and bowing darbaan. I was greeted on table by a feminine rookie. He conveyed things with such feminine flourish that it made me believe that lack of ego and overmodesty is in general feminine. If a man embraces these two, he would no more be a man. He too will gain unconscionable feminine flourish. Now it came to ordering some edibles and palatables. I kept reading and re-reading the items. I din't knew about almost half the menu. But when it comes to palatables Ooooh !! Martini, Margarita, Tequila and above all Chilled Beer. Its difficult to find any other saviour and gourmet than me.
In the beginning food din't seem to be like engulfing down. It lacked indian-ness. No spices. No condiments. It was absolute bland-ness. And Being an indian I could not savor it by heart. I asked for chilly sauce or whatever is available so that I could stuff few nibbles with beer. Further beer took over the cuisine and gave an ultimate company with Marlboro. Then the moments of epiphany started to begin. The revelation of losing-yourself started. U2 Vertigo was rocking my ears and I was ducking my head in synchrony with guitar.
People next to us were enjoying the same way. For the moment I felt I am in the world of hippies. With smokes and perspiration all around. I thought only happy people in the world are hippies. Having no chalance for anything. Having no boundaries, no qualms, no exceptions, no impossibilities. Absolute loosing one-self. Mind was swimming in unseen, never experienced ether as though I had been meditating for hours, unreliquinshed.
No difference between Dhyan, Meditation, contemplation and this alcoholic hippy style losing one-self, just that I paid exhorbitant for being into it.

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