Wednesday, August 29, 2007

She ... Samadhi....& Solace..

She, Samadhi and Solace

I feel pity that Vivekanda's birthday is not a national holiday. Such and more national heroes who awakened the souls not only in india but worldwide are forsaken by Indian Government on the pretext of hinduism. But nevertheless, declaring somebody's birthday as national holiday doesn't make him more important than other person. Its after all the ideology, the work, the commitments and the achievements of person that makes him venerable, de facto. I have been particularly quite enchanted by Swamiji's sayings. He talks positive. He gives you goal. He gives you power to reach the same. The best way to reach this orgasm of energy, is to witness Vivekananda's samadhi on the southern coast of India.

One fine gloaming, the sun sets with divine blush over the welkin. Red sky marrying the sea. Red beams of light dividing the sea-skin as though a majestic sword has flung open to frighten the enemy and sea is melting it as if it retains magma in place of water. Silvery sand imitates the sky and becomes red-soothing. One fine godly lady was relaxing there. Her skin red-shone with apparance of sun. Her hairs unbunned and flowing with wind, as though its not the hair but the flair of a skilled painter. She wore the dress that displayed her bosom half from the top that glistened even more with the gleaming ambience. She has wrapped herself in a fair white blanket in such a way to ostentate her bodice unpretentiously. The gloaming sun made her so bright that it belied the truth that sun made the ambience shone. She looked above in the sky, towards the welkin with unfathomable feelings. But her beauty for sure was fathomable.

Samadhi looked pretty bright and red under the welkin of gloaming sun. It symbolised the strength of mind, soul. It represented the pinnacle of meditation,'Dhyan'. I saw the samadhi beyond her neck. The pillars of samadhi seems being pecked by her chin. The floor of samadhi seems resting on her breasts. The canopy, partially covered by her face. Her eyes seems seeing the canopy for unhearkened reason. I looked beyond her. I looked beyond samadhi. It was bright sun. It was visible. It was visible to such an extent that nothing else remained visible. Neither the lady. Nor the samadhi. Just a bright sun. There remained accord. Accord with nature. Harmony with unknown. This harmony with unknown is in the seeds of embracing the known. I know the lady, I know her bodice. I know the beauty she has. I know it and I go beyond. I know the samadhi. I know the power. I know the strength of the soul. I know the samadhi and I go beyond. I find nothing but solace. I find harmony in the bosom of unknown. The unknown is beyond senses. The unknown is infinite orgasm of human-self. The path to unknown is via known. And she is the step.. first....

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