Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Bit of Love and Hatred

A man doesn't care a woman other than on bed -Ayn Rand, ANTHEM

A man is born child and remains the same till he dies. Habits don't change they just transform from one to other. Born with the innate quality to suck his mother's breasts. When he grows up, the adult one sucks the cigerrate, cigar, cheroot. No difference. Effectively Same. Something hot goes in, thats it. Thats what I call no habits change it just tranforms.
My friend who doesn't have a girl friend always harps I want a girlfriend. I asked why, he says, I want someone to care for me. I asked Why do you want someone to care for you. He says, he don't know. Dialogue closes. Well it is true in virtually all cases, if you keep asking why this, why that, what it is for, why is that for, all the questions right from pettiest to greatest will suffocate to dumb silence. But it is not the answer of a question. Why What When all these are logical operators. They are instruments made for analysis. Analysis is always a half-truth. Because, not all truth comes out from analysis. Some things are so sublime that analysis proves to be a wrong tool to analyse them.
Now my other friend who has a girlfriend says, I don't know why. But sometimes I feel extreme love for my girlfriend and sometimes I feel extreme hatred. I din't say anything. Just meditated on it for hours. I realized situation is similiar to, Think of a room with no light, then you lit the torch. Now part of the room is lit and some part dark. So darkness and light are mutually exclusive. If your room is full of light, darkness won't be there. But if it is partially lit it is bound of have darkness. The same is case for my friend either. If his room is filled with love partially, he's bound to have hatred in other part. Absolute love leaves no room for hatred.

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