Saturday, September 20, 2008

In quest of philosophy.....

1:26 PM me: aaj bahoot akela feel kar raha hoon main hoon na....kya hua
1:27 PM me: .. ay vay..
  mahine kay ek din... akela feel karta hoon...
  aaaj wohi din hai..
1:28 PM sahi its ur choice
 me: no.... its random event... with
  avg once a month..
1:29 PM me: why does a person feel alone.. it may be physological process...or it may be man made
1:30 PM me: do you feel the same..
1:31 PM yes when i was in delhi.....leaving outside....once i got hostel i never felt it
 me: I use to feel it even when in hostel.
  Is it same as my desire for intimacy.
1:32 PM it may may be differnt also
  some ppl may feel lonely even in the most intimate moments
1:33 PM me: I used to feel lonely, even when I was engaged..
1:34 PM Any ways that day I was saying difference between indian and foreign authors. ===>
1:35 PM i know u fall in that category
 me: Do you fall in the same category. i don't know abt my self
1:37 PM me: There are two kinds of people..
  1=> Who knows about themselves.
  2=> Who don't.
1:38 PM there is another king
  sorry kind
 me: Buddha, Yeshua, Zarathustra also belong to second.
  What is that ?
  Are they pseudo-kind ? who know...but don't tell
1:39 PM me: Wow !! Why not they do that.. because...some ppl want it to be limited to themselves
1:40 PM its good one can take benifit from u
 me: Right !
  I will try to be like this.
1:41 PM and most ppl r in this category
  but they r the worst ppl
 me: By the way, I categorized people on the basis of their knowing about themselves.
1:42 PM Not on Telling. ok...what abt writers..u told foreign writers use a lot of information
1:43 PM me: foreign authors are better informed about external world...
  Eastern authors are more knowledged about inner world.
  This prevails in their writings eitehr.
1:44 PM ye sach nahi even indian writers r using information
  but in a way its true
1:45 PM we r more philosophical
 me: All our world-class books are towards inner world.
 me: This is Indian-Ness. and its great
1:47 PM me: Its complementary actually.
  Both worlds have their pros and cons.
  Neither is great nor mediocre. ok but we can use information also
 me: It has its own importance.
1:48 PM We use information but we don't view information in a materialistic form.
  Data is not equal to information.
1:49 PM me: Different people have varying perception of Data i.e
  For same data they draw seperate information.
1:50 PM One author analyzes what makes Coke more prefereable to Pepsi.
1:51 PM Indian author will deal with even deeper sense situation.
1:52 PM me: Infact Indian and Russian authors share style.
1:53 PM true
 me: American and Europeans share other.
  Both are different. ok i got ur point
 me: Like, I find Chekhov, Dostovsky.. Similiar to premchand and Sharat.
1:54 PM But Shakespeare, Wordsworth and Mahadevi, Harivansh ray are very different.
1:55 PM ya i agree....actually premchan used to read a lot of russian books ( mainly tolostoy)
1:56 PM me: Can you think, What makes Indian authors and revolutionaries rather interested in russian literature. and yes abt the second bunch of writers they r all poets
 me: And Not British. so they have common style
1:57 PM because britain ruled us
1:58 PM me: You know,
  Vietnamese revolutionaries use to read French books, venerate french authors and loved french culture.
1:59 PM Despite France ruled it til 1954.
2:00 PM the other reason....we think in the similar way
2:01 PM me: This could be used as reverse-logic. ha ha ha....wrong ans...i know
 me: We think same because we read authors inspired by them.
2:02 PM yes....but seriously....why we were inspied by russian authors
2:03 PM because there was no revolutionary writer at that time in britain will write abt poor ppl
 me: I think, This condition prevailed worldwide. which condition?
2:04 PM me: Mideval world-litterature is devoid of it. but not russian literature
  u see that is the difference
 me: If you think, communism has got any thing to do with mideval literature.
  Then its wrong perception.
2:05 PM Before 1917, Russia was akin any other european empire. no it is long before communism in russia
 me: Monarchy.
  Chekhov belongs much before it.
2:06 PM Did Bhartendu write about common people? not.... but tolostoy is much older...and it was his style they all followed
2:08 PM me: So, Indian authors wanted a break from traditional writing.
  and followed russians.
2:09 PM u r true abt Bhartendu and this new style of following russians was started by premchand and sharatchand
 me: Bu then does it has any implication on both being Philosophical..
2:10 PM How is writing about common people and writing philosophical linked.. they r not linked
  and it never said it does
2:11 PM i m only proving why our style matches with russians
2:13 PM me: But why americans write so materialistic.
  Even if they write some thing spiritual, It will be as if some materialistic.
2:14 PM That stupid style is now being copied by Indian authors also. if we generalize its like that...reasons i don't know
 me: Shiv Khera, Robin Sharma.... etc. thats why u hate them
2:15 PM me: Like Monk who sold his ferrari.. was materialistically spiritual.
 me: Yes !! I prefer reading freaks like Osho than these pesudo spiritual gurus.
2:16 PM i can tell why robin sharma did like that
 me: Book Name: You must relax....
  Can you imagine, mere name creates restlessness....
2:17 PM This is spirituality of West.
  Why ? he is an indain he can write a full spiritual book.......but it will not be sold in us
  its like making a movie
  u make it to earn money...not for being creative
 me: Its like selling a product. ya u got my point
2:18 PM me: But selling a product has two ways.
  1> Tap the existing market.
  2> Create the market.
  While Robin sharma, Edword de bono tap the existing markte.
2:19 PM They cater to materialisitc desire in people.
  Osho has created market. Then tapped it. yes u r right
 me: He won't cater to any need but he'll create the need Then sell his philosophy.
2:20 PM u know what is sold most?
2:21 PM me: No statistics. But Brazil has considerable percentage of Osho followers.
2:22 PM I don't see/foresee Robin Sharma create any cult per se.
 me: Have you read Third wave. -- Alvin Toffler.
 me: It has one very significant chapter in it.
2:24 PM About selling spirituality, cult formation etc.
  so robin sharma read it and is now selling his product
 me: I found it englightening because I had some inclination towards Oshoism.
2:25 PM Robin Sharma is not linked with the topic..
 me: It says, In future there will be many such cults like Oshoism.
  Each having its own perception of world, its own ideology..
2:26 PM Unlike present society, where a person is bound to one particular religion, caste and follows its rules and customs.
  He'll follow customs of particular cult.
2:27 PM People in a cult will be more cohesivly bound than people in society.
  Because its member ship is by will and not by birth.
2:28 PM Thats the reason I found it very significant. but do u think it will happen
  because i don't think it will happen in near future
2:29 PM me: I do. I have many reasons to believe it.. I'll come in 2 mins.
2:33 PM me: Education.
2:34 PM how?
 me: and Access to information about other religions.
  Religion is way of rule spirit of un-educated people.
2:35 PM true...and most ppl r still uneducated
 me: Why are uneducated people more religious/devout than educated.
  In world-perspective.
2:36 PM Good enuf percentage are literate.
  When people come in contact with people of drastically different customs.
  They tend to doubt there own.
2:37 PM So reach some pseudo state where they lose faith in both. ha ha ha....ho sakta hai
 me: Osho-like people takes advanatage of such inquisitive crowd.
2:38 PM Like when a stauch hindu comes in contact with staunch christian.
2:39 PM He gets amazed looking at their girls in minis.. taking vodka with family.
2:40 PM Had Hindu been educated, He won't get amazed, He will have moderate reaction within.
  Being liberal and moderate means you have others perspective either.
2:41 PM This creates the pseudo state of faithelessness in both the religions. aisa hota hai....that is why ppl like me don't have any faith
2:42 PM me: Some people like who don't even have faith in faithlessness.
2:43 PM do u have any faith?
 me: I have faith in God but not in religion.
  I am spiritual but not religious. why in god?
2:46 PM me: Because I don't have many answers.

7 minutes
2:53 PM me: When I don't have answer..
2:54 PM u want some super power
 me: I think its because of GOD.
2:55 PM I don't any super power. I tend to believe there is somebody more power ful than most power ful human who can solve all my queries.
  He's GOD.
2:56 PM ok..what if god is not there?
 me: It is equally likely that God doesn't exist.
2:57 PM me: Then as scientific and spiritual pursuit proceeds, all the queries will be solved.
2:58 PM Then nothing needs be attributed to GOD. see it is not nessecary to believe in god as u told....then why to believe?
3:00 PM me: It is against human habit to leave any thing unexplained. So GOD, to whom all the unexplained phenomenon could be attributed, is created.
3:01 PM me: I am not doing research in those unexplained queries so I attribute it to GOD.
  Else I wouldn't. sahi hai....ok i will go for tea c u later
 me: Ok. see ye.