Tuesday, November 13, 2007

भारतीय दर्शन का भूला बिछ्रा मार्ग

Story of alienation begins like this। Three thousand years ago, there use to be six theistic(astika) schools of Indian Philosophy, Nyay, Samkhya, Vedanta, Yoga, Mimamas, Vaiseshika. Only three are extant now, Mimamsa, Yoga and Vedanta. Reason, rest all were too metaphysical and provided no short cuts. Yoga and Vedanta have prevailed owing to great efforts from ISKCON and Swami Vivekanda. Leave Vedanta and Yoga aside, the one irrational school of thought has prevailed in every household, in every ceremony is Mimamsa. Mimamsa says, it is possible to achieve God, dispel Sorrow and reach salvation by means of Karm-Kanda i.e. some religious processing (like satyanarayan bhagwan kee Pooja Or Feast for 5 Brahmans or Visiting a Temple, atop the mountain).

One of the most logical and epistemologically rich school of thought was Samkhya। Samkhya had dualist view of the world. According to Samkhya, there exist just two things in the world, Purush (its Atman, Soul irrelevant to Gender) and Prakriti (the nature, body,॥). Prakriti is a primordial substance that metamorphoses into various other forms and shapes. Like, Earth gets converted to food we eat. Our excreta gets dissolved back to earth. Our body is just one form of prakriti. It will eventually dissolve in prakriti. It will again be primordial thick mass indistinguishable between you and me. The actual identity of the person is Purush not prakriti. His self lies in Purush, the atman. But he feels, he is, his body. He feels, he is his power, his position. The roots of sorrow are here. They are right here in the Person’s identification with prakriti. Person is unable to distinguish himself from his body that is root of all his sorrow.

Shrimad Bhagvad Geeta, makes many reference to Samkhya school of thought। But the ways and solutions provided in Samkhya are no more followed. They have been forgotten. Other short-cut, lowly schools are followed and ingrained in the thought process of future generations. Future generations tend to become smarter and logical, they started rejecting illogical processions, illogical chantings. They are misled that Indian philosophy is meager Karm-Kanda and nothing more. Time is now to rejuvenate the other less paved ways of Indian Philosophy….

Sunday, November 4, 2007


Either a thing exist or it exist not. Thomas Aquinas elaborates further. If a thing exist now that means at some point of time it would have existed not and at some time in future it will cease to exist again. Now for all the atheists in the world, If this world, this universe exists now, it would have been some point in past when it wouldn't have been there. If nothing existed then how could something come out of nothing. This calls for inevitability of God. If nothing exists then God prevails. The term we call nothingness or emptyness is feeling of Godliness, Divinity.

We become knowledged by perception of outside world through our senses. Through senses we create mental image of these worldly objects. So our world consists of set of these images, impressions and Ideas. In short, World is nothing but collection of these infinite ideas. Now keep subtracting your ideas, impressions and mental images from your knowledge subset, until you reach ZERO. Attainment of zero, is nothing but feeling of emptyness, feeling of nothingness, feeling of Godhood. This transition of Humanhood to Godhood is possible only by removing the curtain of knowledge and ideas.

Next step is dropping the idea of Idea itself. Dropping the idea of process of mental image formation. Dropping the idea of impressions. This will prevent us from forming any idea or mental imagery. With this nudity of knowledge, you become as nascent as a new born baby in the world. In this state, even a look at any petty object will make you feel the difference, that you have been seeing this world throgh a tainted glass of your ideas. You have been devoid of Godliness. You have been devoid of nothingness.